29 Jun

Few games are as fun and powerful as cornhole is. To play this game, you can find several guides that help you to construct your own cornhole boards.  However, you will find that purchasing pre-made cornhole boards is probably the best way to go. The best of the cornhole boards are manufactured with high-quality materials, and these have a minimal bounce back and less of a slide. Before buying some excellent quality cornhole boards, an important factor to consider includes choosing between the different cornhole board sizes.

Two main sizes in cornhole boards

Regulation size: The regulation size cornhole boards are 4 feet long and 2 feet wide. The height of the front of the board is between 3 inches and 4 inches. And at the back, it is 12 inches tall. The playing surface is half an inch thick and has a cross-section backing. Without this backing, the thickness should be ¾ inches.  The hole should be 6 inches in diameter, present in the center of the board, and 9 inches from the top. The regulation-sized boards are meant for professionals as well as intermediate players who will use it for practice, serious play, and tournaments.

Tailgate size: The tailgate size boards are slightly smaller than the regulation size boards. These are 3 feet long and 2 feet wide. There is not much of a difference between the two types of cornhole boards. These smaller cornhole boards are ideal for tailgating parties, but their use is not restricted to these. You can also use the tailgate size cornhole boards for backyard parties or casual play.

Apart from this, you may also prefer custom cornhole boards like a junior cornhole game set or a children’s game set where boards have the designs and themes that appeal to them.

To find out more about the various cornhole boards and getting the best cornhole game for you available at highly reasonable rates, please reach out to the official website of Cornhole Game.

Also Read:

Various Reasons Why You Should Be Playing Cornhole Game

American Flag Cornhole Boards: Ideal Cornhole Accessory to Never Miss Out On!

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